Pep Up Your Spring Event

by Tim Sullivan



Here's a spring resolution for you: Can you add a little something to make your spring event, and any events remaining this year, more memorable for your kids, parents, and teachers? Quality events attract more attendees, and in the long run they also attract more (and better) volunteers. People—especially the best potential volunteers—like to be associated with success and quality. They shy away from the opposite.

Some simple ideas (though I know you can think of your own):

1. Don't charge (or charge less).

2. Bring in the fire department or police department with their cars or trucks and personalities.

3. Invest in the most talented, most fun DJ around (even if you have to hurt the feelings of the dad with the great CD collection).

4. Food trucks getting popular? Bring a couple to your next event.

You get the idea. We have even more thoughts on this topic in a great new article called “Tips for Favorite Spring Events.”