Parent Group Lets Under-Age Kids Drive
Got your attention, didn't I? Well this article about a PTA sponsoring a car creation contest certainly captured my interest! Kids who participated in the contest "drove" their car creations to the school's drive-in.
your attention, didn't I? Well this article about a PTA sponsoring a car creation contest certainly captured my interest! Kids who participated in the contest "drove" their car creations to the school's drive-in. Loved that this event:
Thought you'd enjoy hearing about this unique PTA event. PTO Today is all for parent groups events that promote learning or tie into the curriculum.
- fostered kid's creativity
- encouraged kids and parents to work together
- promoted learning (how cool is it that it prompted kids to get online and research cars, etc.?)
- created a fun sense of community!
Thought you'd enjoy hearing about this unique PTA event. PTO Today is all for parent groups events that promote learning or tie into the curriculum.