Our Simple Treasurer and Finance Tool

by Tim Sullivan


My tip this week: Please do your current treasurer, your future treasurers (especially!), and your whole group a favor and make sure your group is using a simple, cloud-based, PTO-specific software tool to track your finances. We have a great one called Finance Manager that thousands of groups are already using.

There are big benefits to this simple step: 

1. Treasurer transitions become really, really simple.

2. Reporting and proper checks and balances are much more effective because you can give the whole board view-only access to the books. All of the basic PTO and PTA reports are ready-made. 

3. Recruiting for the treasurer job becomes easier, because you don’t need an accounting or finance wiz to crunch numbers and use a complex software program.

I urge you to check out Finance Manager for your group or to forward this note to your treasurer. It's not a lot of money for the benefits you’ll get.