Oklahoma School Communities Begin To Rebuild After Tornado

Parent groups rally to help school communities in Moore, Okla. that were devastated in the May 2013 tornado.

by PTO Today Editors




lier this week, the Moore, Okla., school district announced it would rebuild Plaza Towers Elementary and Briarwood Elementary on the same sites where these schools where wiped out by the devastating tornado that left 24 people dead, including seven children. The district reported it will move 1,150 displaced students to different schools in the area for the 2013-14 school year.

Meanwhile, parent groups around the country are reaching out to these school communities. Here are a few options for offering help:

  • The Oklahoma PTA set up the Oklahoma PTA Disaster Relief Fund for folks wishing to send a financial donation. Checks can be mailed to the Oklahoma PTA, 2801 N. Lincoln Blvd., Suite 214, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73105. The Oklahoma PTA said it would also accept donations of clothing, food, and basic supplies like toothpaste, soap, and sunscreen. Those items can be delivered to the same address.

  • The PTA at Plaza Towers Elementary, which was leveled by the tornado, is accepting donations at Plaza Towers PTA, c/o Sheila Striegel, 5425 Mystic Place, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73150

  • The Moore school district has set up an online fund at www.fundly.com/moorepublicschools

As well, there have been benefit concerts, organizations offering “comforting dogs’’ to victims, and celebrity baseball games, all of which help families heal.

For those of us observing this rebuilding, we can once again see the resolve and compassion that define so many school communities. Like other tragic events in the past year, including the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary and the destruction brought by Hurricane Sandy, we are witnessing a determination to move forward that ends up making us all feel a little bit better.

Just one example of that determination: The Moore school district published a newsletter that provided many updates, including information on how people can donate funds (http://www.fundly.com/moorepublicschools ).This followed an announcement that the driver’s education program that was scheduled to begin on May 29 was still on. At a new location, but still on schedule.

And just like the Sandy Hook and Hurricane Sandy events, much of the Moore community’s story is unfolding on social media, in particular on Facebook, as PTAs and PTOs as well as many individuals reach out, asking how they can help.

On the Plaza Towers PTA Facebook page, the group members posted “good news’’ that they had secured a storage space to keep donations for sorting. That post received 20 responses of parent group leaders and individuals offering to send whatever they could and providing additional ideas for donations.