New PTO Today Blog - Open for comments!

For years Tim Sullivan has been posting links to parent group issues and stories making headline news around the country. Today we're excited to be replacing the "Headline News" section of our website with the "PTO Today Blog".

by PTO Today Editors




years Tim Sullivan has been posting links to parent group issues and stories making headline news around the country. Today we're excited to be replacing the "Headline News" section of our website with the "PTO Today Blog".

Lots more features and functions with a blog that will let us share more ideas, newsy items, opinions, and tips. Tim will continue to add his perspective on issues and trends in the parent group world but you'll also hear from a few other folks as well. I'll be writing about different tools and resources to help in your day to day parent group work. And a few other expert PTO Today staffers will jump into the mix as well. Should be a good place to get a lot of helpful and timely information.

And of course we're hoping to hear from you as well! One of the nice features about going with a blog format is that everyone gets to add their 2 cents into the conversation. Disagree with something we've posted? Have your own experience to share? Add a comment...we'd love to hear what you have to share, but more importantly, so would the community of parent group leaders working hard for their schools and kids.

Couple of features to point out:

  • The list of categories in the right hand column is useful if you're looking for help with a particular topic. We're in the process of pulling in all the posts from the Headline News section. The archives go back to September 2003 so this will take us a couple of weeks.

  • It's easy to subscribe so you're notified whenever we put a new post up. Over on the right hand side you'll see a spot to enter your email address. Simply enter your email and click 'subscribe'. You'll receive an email each time we put up a new blog post. And of course if you recognize the little orange icon you'll know how to pick up our feed in your feed reader of choice.

Hope you'll jump in over the coming weeks and add your comments to the blog! If you any questions or if you're not sure how to post a comment please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - I'd be happy to help.