New Jersey PTO Expo

Every year we talk about the excitement and energy at our PTO expos. Of course when you put hundreds of parent group leaders in a room full of ideas and information great things are bound to happen. I sure had fun at our New Jersey show. And from the looks of it, so did these 80 folks from the Newark school district.

by PTO Today Editors



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ry year we talk about the excitement and energy at our PTO expos. Of course when you put hundreds of parent group leaders in a room full of ideas and information great things are bound to happen. I sure had fun at our New Jersey show. And from the looks of it, so did these 80 folks from the Newark school district.

I hope the gang in the pic below are feeling strong. Conference tote bags always end up jammed with information and samples. Lots of stuff to take back and discuss with the whole group.


And of course the entertainment is always fun. Here a couple of Harlem Wizards get ready to show what they can do.

Two more shows to go this year - Chicago and Denver. If you're attending be sure to stop by the PTO Today booth and say hi!