My Tip of the Week: Teacher Wish Lists and Your PTO or PTA

Very excited to announce to you today the launch of our newest service for parents and teachers and PTOs and PTAs:

by Tim Sullivan


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Very excited to announce to you today the launch of our newest service for parents and teachers and PTOs and PTAs:

If your teachers and school are like most, then 1) teachers are spending nearly $500 of their own money each year on classroom supplies, and 2) parents try to help out where they can.

That's why we developed -- we're taking the old-fashioned printed wish list and making it a lot more new-fashioned using the web and email tools and even social media. Teachers can load their lists (or parents or your PTO can load the lists for them) and then share and update the lists and basically get the help they deserve.

My advice: Check out TeacherLists yourself (and recommend it to your teacher friends). For PTOs and PTAs, we've also put together a free kit to help your parent group introduce TeacherLists to the whole school. It has posters for the teachers' lounge, letters to teachers and parents, and more.

For a limited time, there are also some great giveaways with TeacherLists. Each week, our partners at Bounty are giving 10 teachers $462 (the amount they spend on average out of their own pockets), and participating schools will be entered to win a $25,000 creative classroom makeover, as well. It's great stuff! And we here at PTO Today have added a bit to the pot with $462 grants for PTOs and PTAs that get their whole school involved.

Look for more updates on TeacherLists in the weeks and months ahead. We'd love your feedback on how we can make it an even better solution for your teachers, your parents, and your school.