My Tip of the Week: Reenergize Your Officers and Volunteers

by Tim Sullivan



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h the holidays behind us, it's time to get back to doing really great work for our schools.

Ironically, I find that one of the biggest obstacles at this time of year is restarting your officers and regaining the enthusiasm that made September and October go so well. Before you can have some big schoolwide wins, you need to get your core group of volunteers fully back into things. The article “Reenergize Your Officers” can help you with that. 

To me, the key is focus -- put some attention on your core group now, kind of like you do with a summer social or leaders' meeting. Have a coffee, or meet out for a cocktail and apps. And discuss some next steps.

Renewed energy can also come from a new project or big goal. Pick something you'd like to tackle or a change you'd like to make at school and make it a public challenge for your leaders. Perhaps you want to finally add an ice cream event to your spring schedule or to specifically line up five brand-new, enthusiastic chairpeople for your big fall efforts. Either way -- real goals lead to real action.

The school year is far from over. You can still accomplish so much with a bit of a kick-start. Good luck!