My Tip of the Week: How To Help Your New PTO Leaders Succeed

by Tim Sullivan



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s only natural to be a little nervous when you try something new, whether it's starting a new job or taking on a leadership role in a parent group. Taking a few simple steps this summer can help your officers feel at ease in their roles and help your group prepare for a successful school year.

First, take some time to get to know one another better and talk about your shared goals for the group. Get together over coffee or have a potluck dinner at someone's house. Even if you've all been friends for years, it's a good idea to reconnect before the back-to-school rush.

Next, make sure your officers have what they need to succeed. Ask outgoing officers to meet with their replacements and turn over their records. Share our free New Leader Kit, which has helpful advice and a rundown on Robert's Rules. And let your officers know about our File Exchange , where hundreds of leaders have shared flyers and forms you can adapt for use at your school.

Here are a few articles from PTO Today you might find helpful, too: