My Tip of the Week: Great Family Events Are the Key to More Involvement

by Tim Sullivan


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your idea of getting more parents involved with your group is to invite more parents to your meetings, then you are in for a lot of frustration. You can add coffee and even the occasional choir performance, but your meetings will still be meetings. Yawn city.

If you really want to get parents more engaged with your group, start by getting more parents engaged with your school. Get them through the doors. As more parents connect and have good experiences with your school, you'll have a lot more success getting some of them to connect with your group. It's a proven process, and you have to take those initial steps.

This is one of my favorite topics, so we have some great stuff to get you started:

Open Doors, Lots of Them

20 Fun Family Events

Our free School Family Night kits

Good luck!

P.S. Our free Back2School program is now open. Signing up will get you some great stuff to help put on a top-notch 2014 back-to-school event at your school. Check it out here.