My Tip of the Week: Does Your Parent Group Make a Good First Impression?

by Tim Sullivan



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t week, we discussed the first impressions parent and visitors experience when they enter your school as a whole.

This week, I wonder: What's the first impression parents get of your PTO or PTA specifically?

In the first few weeks of the school year -- in the packet home from school, at the Open House speech, and in your first flyers and PTO emails -- do you hammer parents only with requests? Pay your dues. Buy this item. Sign up to work.

If so, then your first impression needs a lot of work. Very few people are strongly attracted to organizations that only want their time and their money.

It would be way better if you spend time early to show parents how you serve them and how you serve the kids and the school. And how you're a fun, engaging, appreciative group. That's the impression you want parents to take in early. Dollars and volunteers and dues flow from that.

And we have lots of useful content on this topic, too. Check out these resources:

Good Luck!