My Tip of the Week: Build Community with a Family Movie Night

Still thinking about family event plans for spring? I recommend utilizing our Family Movie Night kit and info to put on a relaxing flick night. There's a good element of fun with the added bonus of being one of the easier family nights to run.

by Tim Sullivan



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ll thinking about family event plans for spring? I recommend utilizing our Family Movie Night kit and info to put on a relaxing flick night. There's a good element of fun with the added bonus of being one of the easier family nights to run.

You can order a free Family Movie Night planning kit on our website, plus find info on all of our School Family Nights. To me, these kinds of involvement events are a welcome mat to deeper involvement. Don't charge admission. Don't give folks the hard sell that they have to help out. Just make it a great night. The good news is that some of your attendees will have a great time and feel more comfortable getting more connected. That's how more involvement develops -- not through guilt or the like.

We've also recently added a brand-new Family Movie Night ''group'' in our Community section on Here, you can share what's worked and what hasn't with other leaders running the same kind of event. We've even got a movie tracker, so you can review which movies worked best for school nights. I really like the movie Cars, for example, but it was a terrible choice for our last Movie Night -- just way too long for 90 K-5th graders. Wish I'd known that before we picked it.

Good luck with all your involvement efforts!