My Tip of the Week: Streamline Your Meetings

I'm not one who thinks PTO or PTA meetings are super-important (really, your meeting attendance doesn't matter that much), but they're definitely on nearly all parent group calendars and they're almost always too long.

by Tim Sullivan




not one who thinks PTO or PTA meetings are super-important (really, your meeting attendance doesn't matter that much), but they're definitely on nearly all parent group calendars and they're almost always too long.

It is possible to keep your general meetings strictly to an hour or less. Make it one of your leadership mantras to promise that and to keep that promise. If you do want to increase attendance at general meetings, it's essential that your general meetings not be painful, tiresome snoozefests. Meetings are often the first impression parents get of your group. Do you appear disorganized and inefficient? Or do you appear like you're buttoned-up? Potential volunteers notice these things.

Three tips for quicker general meetings:

  1. Let your committees do their work at the committee level through their own meetings or their own emails, etc. Your general meeting isn't a time to redo all their work; it's a time to report results, get basic approvals, and move on.

  2. Dispense with the minutes. My least favorite time-wasters are the treasurer's report and the reading of the minutes. Have those available online before the meeting, hand them out at the door before the meeting begins, and then ask for questions. The treasurer and secretary do not need to read each line item aloud.

  3. Have an agenda with set times for each segment and enforce those time limits. If a debate or decision needs more time than you've set, then it needs to go back to the committee level.

Yes, enforcing these changes may create some friction with the long-winded or those who are used to a different way. But the silent majority will thank you (silently). And your group will be better for it.

For more on better meetings, check out the Meetings/Robert's Rules resources page on