My Tip of the Week: 3 Ways To Add Fun to Your PTO or PTA

Quick tip this week based on my belief that if your parent group isn't fun, you are going to struggle mightily to get lots of parents and families connected.

by Tim Sullivan



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ck tip this week based on my belief that if your parent group isn't fun, you are going to struggle mightily to get lots of parents and families connected. Therefore, three fun ideas:

  1. Don't be afraid of a post-event or post-meeting cocktail or social. Head down to Applebee's or Starbucks (and open the invitation broadly -- not just to your insiders) and add some downtime to your hard work. It can pay off.

  2. Add some life to your newsletter. Photos of kids and families having fun. A random volunteer of the month. Baby pictures of your teachers. Steal some newsletter ideas from our File Exchange and try to make your newsletter 20 percent better than it now is (and 75 percent more fun). Your newsletter can really set a tone for your whole group.

  3. Buy some pink flamingos and "flock" some folks. Use them to surprise an officer. Use them to surprise a volunteer who did a great job. Use them to decorate the school front lawn someday. They're just goofy enough to always bring a smile.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because this side of the road was boring! Good luck livening things up.