Minimize Stress to End Your PTO Year on an Up Note

by PTO Today Editors


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we know, PTO people are not exactly a lazy bunch.

But I was still amazed last week by the Teacher Appreciation celebrations. Many of you did a full week of events, involving everything from leaving little gifts in individual teachers mailboxes to providing massages and gift baskets and hosting fabulous luncheons.

So, now that that’s done, we decided to pose a Facebook question to see if folks had all that much to do before the end of the school year.

Ah, you guessed it. Not a lot of down time. Instead, people have a number of projects, events, and tasks on their agendas. A lot of you have Field Days coming up and some are doing elections along with transition activities.

We know for many of you, this is just how you roll. You love being busy. But at this time of year, when you’ve been running hard for many months and your kids are starting to run out of steam (making home an extra fun place), it’s worth doing a stress check. Ask yourself if you are starting to feel overloaded. And if you are – and, really, who wouldn’t be—try to take care of yourself a little bit. You are chuckling now, right?

But, seriously, who wants to finish up the school year feeling miserable?

To avoid that, start by tapping back into your network. You know those other moms and dads you feel a connection with? When’s the last time you gave one of them a call or asked to have a really quick cup of coffee? Check in with another PTO person and share how you are feeling. Chances are, they are feeling the same way.

Another great venting spot is our Message Boards. You can go to town if someone or something is making you nuts and there’s bound to be someone out there who can relate and provide you with some great advice.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t be ashamed to pass along some tasks to other volunteers.

We have a great article on PTO burnout that could be a helpful read. It identifies the signs (problems sleeping, loss of focus, irritability, to name just a few) and offers suggestions for avoiding burnout or addressing it.

Also, check out our article on how to organize a PTO to help prevent stress. You can use a few of the tips to help you wrap up the school year and the article will also be really helpful as you plan for next year.