Message Boards 75K

Kind of cool to note that our PTO Today message boards -- by far the most active sharing site dedicated exclusively to parent group leaders -- have recently passed 75,000 archived posts. That's a heck of a lot of insight, sharing, idea-swapping, supporting (we know your pain!) and (occasionally) screwing around.

by Tim Sullivan



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d of cool to note that our PTO Today message boards -- by far the most active sharing site dedicated exclusively to parent group leaders -- have recently passed 75,000 archived posts. That's a heck of a lot of insight, sharing, idea-swapping, supporting (we know your pain!) and (occasionally) screwing around.

I can actually remember when we started our message boards 7 years ago, and -- frankly -- I'd sometimes have conversations with myself. No more...

Today, we have tens of thousands of registered users and hundreds and hundreds of active posters. If I could send a new or struggling parent group leader to just one resource -- it'd be our message boards. (Luckily, I'm not restricted to just one resource, but...) You just can't find a more comprehensive store of accumulated PTO know-how and spirit.

Hope you'll be a part of the next 75,000...