Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year -- You Deserve It

My message to you this week is simple -- thanks for everything you do. I hope these next couple of weeks bring you peace and rest and great times with your families and friends. You deserve nothing less.

by Tim Sullivan


My m


message to you this week is simple -- thanks for everything you do. I hope these next couple of weeks bring you peace and rest and great times with your families and friends. You deserve nothing less.

A friend of mine recently mentioned that it seems we've been talking a lot lately of the tough parts of PTOing. Dealing with drama, tough principals, embezzlement. "Doesn't sound like something I'd want to get involved with" was his comment. And I can see his point.

So this season, I hope you'll remember (and be rewarded for) all the great things about this work. The smiles on the kids' faces. The schools made better by increased involvement. The lifelong friendships that are forged on the playground you built. The teachers inspired to keep at their difficult jobs because of your support. The great times shared by school families at your fun events.

That's what makes this work so worthwhile and rewarding.

My resolution for 2010 is to remember those things more, both personally and in my writing here at PTO Today. Reminds me of one of the most popular articles ever on the website -- ''One Last Dance'' by Sharron Kahn Luttrell. If you're looking for a PTO gift, give that one a read.