It All Begins With Family Events

by Tim Sullivan


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g class="alignright size-full wp-image-7372" title="School Family Night kits" src="//images/ptoblog/2014/09/0914_sfnkits_blog.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="300" />The solution to nearly all of the most common PTO and PTA frustrations (too few volunteers, fundraising struggles, low meeting attendance) starts with hosting better family events.

Getting parents through the school doors and making sure they have a positive, productive, and fun time is the first step toward getting them more engaged with your school. Parents who have been served by your group or attended one of your positive events are far more likely to eventually volunteer or attend a meeting or support a fundraiser.

That's why I think that our School Family Nights offerings are perhaps the most important thing we do here at PTO Today. Have you seen these? I hope you'll check them out and share them with your fellow leaders.

We have ready-made (free!) kits with step-by-step instructions and creative ideas and flyers and posters and -- basically -- everything you need to put on a fun event for your families. This year, we are offering Family Game NightFamily Science NightFamily Reading Night, and Family Movie Night.

Our turnkey nights are really great, but you can also get creative with your own ideas. Here are other examples of what some schools have done for family nights on their own:

20 Fun Family Events
A Science Night for the Whole Community

Have fun!