Inspiration for the Start of the School Year

When we are on the threshold of a new adventure, we can all use a little inspiration. So for any new PTO leader, we’d recommend taking a look at the profile of our most recent SBLI Superstar Volunteer, Wendie Boswell of Shawnee, Okla.

by PTO Today Editors



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n we are on the threshold of a new adventure, we can all use a little inspiration. So for any new PTO leader, we’d recommend taking a look at the profile of our most recent SBLI Superstar Volunteer, Wendie Boswell of Shawnee, Okla.

Boswell participates in two PTOs and is vice chairperson of the Shawnee American Indian Education Parent Committee (SIEPC) in her community. But it’s not just her time commitment that inspires—it’s her attitude. She says she stepped up to take on a role with SIEPC because she didn’t want to “sit here and complain if I am not going to do anything.’’

Many volunteers worry that they won’t do a good job. But what we can learn from Boswell is that it’s almost always worth giving something a try. When she went to that first SIEPC meeting, she didn’t even know if she would get involved, but left as vice chairperson.

Also, Boswell has helped with a number of cross-cultural efforts to help children explore their Native American heritage and promote understanding of all racial and ethnic communities.

The Superstar Volunteers program is a joint effort between PTO Today and Savings Bank Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts (SBLI). Each Superstar Volunteer receives a $500 award for their school and national recognition with a profile on the PTO Today and SBLI websites. For more inspiration, you can read about all our past nominees as well.