How To Lose the Midyear Blues

by Tim Sullivan


January is a famously tough time to keep up motivation. The holidays are over, the days are short, and everyone seems to want to hibernate. And in terms of your PTO or PTA, it’s common to hit a low in the winter months. That eager crop of volunteers—where did they go? And how about your fundraising? Are you exceeding your goals or not so much? What are your goals for the rest of the year, and how will you meet them? 

This is a good time go get your board together in a relaxed setting for some hors d’oeuvres and brainstorming. Talking over your goals and sharing ideas can be a great way to get reenergized.

You should also check out our new guide, called “Reenergize Your Group at the Midyear Point.” In it, you’ll find tips and tools for dealing with the four most common midyear issues among parent groups: vanishing volunteers, low meeting attendance, assessing your financials, and burnout. The kit is free; you’ll be asked for your email address and your school if it’s your first time making a request with us. 

Happy reading, and think spring!