
Canva templates to help you recruit new parent group officers—with a sense of humor.

by PTO Today Editors


A lot of groups have trouble recruiting new officers at one time or another; some parents just don’t think of themselves as the “PTO type.” That’s when it can help to show that the skills people use in their day-to-day lives, from tracking household budgets to delegating family chores, can benefit their schools.

We invite you to use these Canva templates as you seek new officers for your group, from "help wanted" ads for key roles to a more general call to announce open positions. Click each image to copy the template.

President (Leader of the Pack) help wanted ad

We want YOU to be our next parent group president! Our fearless leader’s term expires at the end of the school year. We’re looking for a creative problem-solver who’s comfortable delegating and who can help us focus on the agenda instead of talking about our kids or the latest streaming show. A sense of humor is a big plus—and if you know how to say “no” without provoking a tantrum, even better. If you’re ready to play a substantial role in supporting our school, we want to hear from you!

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Vice President (Partner in PTO Leadership) help wanted ad

So you’d like to get more involved in the school parent group, but you’re not sure you’re ready to take the lead role? Our vice president position has your name written all over it! You’ll learn behind-the-scenes intel and be part of decisionmaking on important issues throughout the year. You’ll help the president get things done—kind of like a superhero’s sidekick, but without the costume (unless you want to rock the mask and cape, of course).

Secretary (Fact Finder) help wanted ad

Be honest: You’re the one in your friend group who filled out every page in your child’s baby the right time, no less. If you’re the kind of person who documents everything, from your toddler’s first steps to how far you jogged yesterday, we have the perfect role for you. You’ll get to put your stellar recordkeeping skills and attention to detail to good use as our parent group secretary. You must have good listening and computer skills—extra credit if can watch TV and play Candy Crush at the same time.

Treasurer (Number Cruncher) help wanted ad

We have big plans to raise money and fund important projects for our school, and we need someone who likes to count every penny to help us do it. If you secretly love to categorize expenses and create color-coded pie charts (and your sense of fiscal responsibility is rock-solid), you have what it takes to be our parent group treasurer. Bonus points if your spouse teases you about how often you log into your personal finance app.

Fundraising Coordinator (Team Cheerleader) help wanted ad

Our parent group does a lot more than fundraising, but let’s face it, without fundraising, we wouldn’t be able to do much. We’re seeking an upbeat, detail-oriented parent to coordinate our fundraising efforts this year. The ideal candidate is able to motivate students and parents, can think on their feet, and can handle last-minute surprises without totally freaking out (like product deliveries getting delayed because of a freak weather event—but really, there’s almost no chance of that happening again...right?).

Volunteer Coordinator (Social Networker) help wanted ad

Are you a people person who isn’t afraid to strike up a conversation with a stranger? We’re looking for a volunteer coordinator to recruit helpers for parent group programs and events and to help parents find the best way to plug in to our school community. If you’re enthusiastic (without being high-pressure) and understanding of parents’ many time constraints, raise your hand and help us do even more great things for our school!

“Open Positions” flyer

The ABC Elementary PTO is looking for a few good people to join the board next school year. To learn more, email abcpto‌@‌ And thank you!

Vice President: Assist the President with staff communication, event planning, fundraising, and more.

Treasurer: Collect and deposit dues and payments, write checks, maintain the books, and report monthly.

Secretary: Take meeting minutes, post social media announcements, and manage email newsletter lists.

VP Fundraising: Coordinate fundraising efforts, publicize them to the school community, and monitor progress.

“Open Positions” social graphic

The ABC Elementary PTO is looking for a few good people to join the board next school year. To learn more, email abcpto‌@‌ And thank you!

Vice President
VP Fundraising


Originally posted in 2017 and updated regularly.