Having Trouble Connecting With Parents? Here’s Why.

Are you ever frustrated by nonresponsive parents?

by Tim Sullivan


It’s been a challenge for PTO and PTA leaders for decades (I always picture the involved mom during caveman times banging her head against the cave walls because other cavemoms aren’t pitching in), but I think the problem is getting rapidly worse for groups that aren’t embracing technology.

As recently as two to three years ago, print newsletters were still relatively sufficient for communications. Today, they simply are not. If you haven’t embraced 2016 communication technology, then you are falling behind rapidly. The youngest parents in your school today have spent their entire adult lives with Facebook and online banking and texting; 80 percent of moms today carry a smartphone at (nearly) all times.

What does it mean? If your group wants to communicate effectively you have to meet parents in their digital spaces. Yes, you need Facebook—in fact, we have a great, brand new blog post with tons of Facebook tips and tools. Apps for organizing time and volunteers make a ton of sense. Email is required and reliable (although getting a bit old). Do you text? (Nearly all of your target moms and dads do.)

I don’t at all think that parent involvement is dying. I see amazing examples of parent involvement every day—the trick is to stop communicating like it’s 2009. I'd love to hear how your group is keeping parent involvement alive and well. Let us know on this Facebook post.