Getting Involvement Right in Florida

Gotta love it when a PTO realizes that involvement takes unique outreach... and then sees great success.

by Tim Sullivan



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ta love it when a PTO realizes that involvement takes unique outreach... and then sees great success.

This PTO in Southwest Florida is hosting family events and they're involvement motto is: "Make it Fun and They Will Come". How great is that? Check out more about their involvement success in this article.

It's such a fundamental truth of growing involvement -- it starts with the family events. Meetings aren't the key at all. You can have better meetings. You can have raffles for attending meetings. You can have shorter meetings. But they're still meetings. When you're trying to connect with those who aren't connected, you have to attract them. (Hint: meetings are not attractive.)

This has probably been our number one topic on the site and in our talks (which is why I love this Florida story so much). Looking for more aroud this? We've got: My column on why meetings don't matter nearly as much as most PTOs think. And we've got great family event ideas.

If you do nothing else this coming year, think this way. (Now, would someone please help me down of my soapbox???)