Get Organized Now for a Smooth Second Half of the School Year

10 simple organization tips to help streamline your PTO work.

by PTO Today Editors


One of the best things about January is that it can be a fresh start. It turns out January is Get Organized Month, so it’s an opportunity for PTO and PTA leaders to set aside time during the next few weeks to review plans for winter and spring meetings and events. We’ve put together a list of helpful tips from PTO Today resources and community members.

1. Block out a chunk of time to review the calendar for the second half of the school year

Double-check that all key events are listed on your group’s website and the school’s calendar. Make sure you’re covered on the smaller events, like Pi Day on March 14. And don’t forget to add these items to your personal calendar! Our Annual Parent Group Planning Calendar will help.

2. Clean out old emails and documents that you don’t need and that are cluttering up your computer

Group together files related to upcoming events and meetings; create new folders if needed.

3. Check supplies

Need anything for the remainder of the year? If so, order it now.

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4. Meet with committee chairs to discuss upcoming events

See how your chairpeople are doing and find out whether you can assist in any way. This article on committee management can help guide volunteers who might have questions or concerns.

5. Check in on teacher appreciation plans

It’s never too soon to get started on teacher appreciation! Will your group do a big event or series of events during Teacher Appreciation Week? We have many teacher appreciation resources to help you with planning.

6. Meet with the principal to go over highlights of winter and spring plans

Ask for suggestions and discuss any concerns your principal might have. Time permitting, ask them for feedback on the school year to date and see whether there are any outstanding issues to address. Check out our resources on working with the principal, which are particularly helpful if your relationship is rocky or these kinds of check-ins cause you stress.

7. Sketch out a basic plan for upcoming general meetings

Are you planning any guest speakers or student presentations in upcoming months? Now’s a good time to confirm those plans. Also, get inspiration from our article about keeping meetings fun.

8. Start a low-key search for leadership candidates

It really isn’t too soon. If there are a few parents who have been participating and seem to have leadership qualities, think about how to connect with them in a casual way to gauge their interest in getting more involved.

9. Reboot your social media

Spend a little time looking for new people to follow on Facebook and Twitter. Scan what’s been posted in the past few months and analyze whether it’s working by looking at the comments and shares you get on posts. Consider trying something new or setting a new goal, like posting photos of school happenings at least once a week. Our article about Facebook will come in handy.

10. Check in with your fellow board members

If your board was unable to do a get-together over the holidays, try to set up a casual off-site meeting (breakfast or lunch) before the end of January so your team can reconnect and get inspired for the second half of the school year.

Originally posted in 2014 and updated regularly.