Five (or Six) Months Left in the School Year

Happy New Year to all our PTO, PTA, HSA friends! Did you have a chance to re-charge over your holiday break? Are you ready to do great things in 2011? Flipping over the calendar in a new year is always energizing for me -- fresh possibilities, new ideas, a clean slate. But where school is concerned, it's also a bit daunting. Only 6 more months of school (in some of your cases, 5). Gulp. So much to accomplish on the PTO front. That's where resolutions or goals come in! Just to write them out lends clarity, purpose and a new sense of calm.

by PTO Today Editors



Happy New Year to all our PTO, PTA, HSA friends! Did you have a chance to re-charge over your holiday break? Are you ready to do great things in 2011? Flipping over the calendar in a new year is always energizing for me -- fresh possibilities, new ideas, a clean slate. But where school is concerned, it's also a bit daunting. Only six more months of school (in some of your cases, five). Gulp. So much to accomplish on the PTO front, so little time. That's where resolutions or goals come in! Just writing them out lends clarity, purpose and a new sense of calm.

Does your group revisit or set goals in the new calendar year? What are some of your resolutions? In the next week we'll be posting the top ten New Year's resolutions for PTOs and PTAs for 2011, over on our Facebook page. We hope you'll join the conversation or at least give a thumbs up (like) to the goals you can relate to.

Here's to a fun and productive 2011!