Field Trip Fees a No-No in Iowa

Interesting ruling in Iowa, where state Board of Ed tells schools that they can not charge fees for school-day, curriculum-related field trips. Such fees are akin to tuition, rules the Board.

by Tim Sullivan




eresting ruling in Iowa, where state Board of Ed tells schools that they can not charge fees for school-day, curriculum-related field trips. Such fees are akin to tuition, rules the Board.

I can see the thinking here. Reminds me of a similar debate over during-school fundraising reward assemblies. I have no problem with all kinds of extra-curriculars, including those that might charge fees. But it does seem that -- especially at a public school -- that the school day should be open to all... and free.

You agree?

PS -- Speaking of field trip funds, Target has a generous field trip grant program that's worth a look.