Family Night Splash

Rex Bohn

A flooded gymnasium almost sinks the silent auction.

by PTO Today Editors


The Group: Giant City School Progress Association, Carbondale, Ill.

The Setting: The annual family fun night held in the school gym, featuring a barbecue dinner, auction, carnival-themed games, and prizes.

The Idea: Although the gym itself was under construction, school officials expected the project to wrap up in time for the April event, recalls former GCSPA president Beth Morrison.

What Went Wrong: Because of construction delays, only half of the gym could be used for the Saturday event. To make matters worse, “On Friday night, prior to setting up the gym, it started raining very hard,” Morrison says.

What Happened Next: Morrison and her crew of volunteers returned the next morning, only to discover that the whole gym had been flooded. The janitor and several parents took turns hosing it up before the festivities began.

The Outcome: The silent auction stayed in the gym, but volunteers relocated the games and food court to several classrooms. Additionally, Morrison notes, “We held a ‘parent’s retreat’ in the library...and also held a children’s art auction in the art room.”

Just Ducky: The group absorbed more than water that night. “By the end of the night, we raised over $7,000,” Morrison says. “Next year, our new gym should be complete, and we will have more space to utilize.”

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