Celebrate the Principal Difference Contest Awards First Winner $500!

Congratulations to the PTO at Whit Davis Elementary in Athens, Ga., for submitting a great story about a truly engaged principal, Derrick Maxwell, and winning the first $500 prize from the Celebrate the Principal Difference Contest.

by PTO Today Editors




gratulations to the PTO at Whit Davis Elementary in Athens, Ga., for submitting a great story about a truly engaged principal, Derrick Maxwell, and winning the first $500 prize from the Celebrate the Principal Difference Contest..

This contest, a joint effort of PTO Today and the Association of Fund-Raising Distributors and Suppliers, runs through the 2013-14 school year. Parent groups are encouraged to share their story about a principal who supports a fundraising cause. Each month, AFRDS will award one parent group a $500 prize for the best story.

The Whit Davis PTO won for its story about Maxwell, who traveled along the school’s track on a tricycle while students threw water balloons. What a fun way to make good on a promise he made if the students reached a fundraising goal!

Bet you know of a good-sport principal, too! So enter this simple contest by sharing their story and photo at the Celebrate the Principal Difference page on ptotoday.com. You could be the next $500 winner!

Good luck!