Breakfast—and More—With Santa

by PTO Today Editors


“The Silex PTO held a Breakfast with Santa from 9 to 11 a.m. in the school’s multipurpose room. Teachers baked items, a local business donated doughnuts, parents sent in donations of OJ, water, candy canes, and other items that we needed. We were overwhelmed with the response we received from the community, and the kids had a blast! We kept the breakfast simple, serving doughnuts, doughnut holes, muffins, cookies, fruit, hot cocoa, OJ, and water. We had several stations set up around the room: ‘Reindeer Food’ bar where the kids could mix together their own reindeer food. We had a station where kids could write a letter to Santa and drop it in the special ‘North Pole’ mailbox. We had a photo booth and props where parents could take pictures, we had several ornament-making projects for the kids to do. Every child that came got their name entered into a drawing to win a Jumbo Stocking filled with goodies. Of course we had Santa. The kids were able to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas and have their picture taken. Santa even walked around and mingled with everyone, making it a very personal experience. We also had a Santa Store where we sold various items. We served approximately 200 people for this event. We decorated the room with all things Christmas. We wanted to make it an affordable family fun event so we charged $3 per person in advance and $5 at the door. Ages 2 and under were free. We had a profit of approximately $440.”


Christy Hall, Silex (Mo.) Elementary PTO