PTO & PTA School Year Planner (Free Printable)

Our free 2024-2025 school year planner is designed just for PTO and PTA groups and includes 45+ editable pages. Just customize for your group, print, bind, and distribute to your board!
Set your PTO or PTA up for success in 2024-2025 with our FREE school year planner for parent groups! Designed exclusively for school parent groups, this is an incredible free resource we're thrilled to share with the PTO Today community so that every group can start the year off organized. Use it to plan school events, fundraisers, social media posts, and more for the coming year.
This free planner includes 45+ editable pages (.DOCX file) that you can modify according to your group's needs (we recommended downloading this file to your desktop computer and not mobile). Once you're done editing the file, just print, bind and distribute to your board members.
Here's what's included:
- Meet the board for your elected officers and volunteers
- Your PTO/A mission statement
- School appreciation days and fun national holidays to celebrate
- 2024 and 2025 calendars
- Monthly calendars (August through July) to help you organize and plan for each month (includes tasks, reminders, and notes)
- A place to brainstorm and organize ideas for fall and winter school events and fundraisers
- Social media monthly planning calendar
- Fundraising at a glance (to track goals and actual funds raised)
- PTO meeting agenda and notes
- PTO meeting sign-in sheet
- Event checklist (by month)
- Volunteer hours (by month)
- Expense report (by month)
- Vendor & business contact info (list)
- PTO Today resources designed to help your group
PTO and PTA Planner for 2024-2025 (Free Printable)
Note: this planner is a .DOCX file. After completing your registration to access this free download, check your "downloads" folder. We recommend downloading this file from your desktop computer (not mobile).
Find even more free printables and Canva templates for PTO and PTA groups