28 Ways To Rock a Milk and Cookies Event at School (and Why You Should Host One)

If you give a family cookies, they're going to ask you for some milk.
Here at PTO Today, we love sharing fun, new ideas for school events—because, let’s face it, sometimes the “same old, same old” needs a little shake-up now and then. And if there’s anything that can make a family event more fun, it’s cookies...and milk, of course.
We got to thinking about all the ways your group could rock a milk and cookies event—and in the name of “official PTO research,” we may have taste-tested too many cookies and drank more milk than we ever thought possible. The results? Pretty much any event you can think of can be made even sweeter with this wholesome, family-friendly theme. So go on and pour yourself a big mug of milk and get ready to be inspired by these 28 fun ideas!
1. Make your milk look fancy-shmancy and serve it from those super-cute drink dispensers that at least four out of every six PTO leaders own.
via Simply So Good
2. Kick your milk up a notch with a milkshake bar. For a healthier take on milkshakes, blend ice cubes with chocolate milk.
via Imprintables
3. Add some fun to your cups with googly eyes and silly straws...
4. ...and sprinkles. Lots of sprinkles. (This even works on paper and foam cups—we checked!)
5. You might even want to pick cups that match your theme. “Gluppity glup” chocolate milk, anyone?
6. You know who else loves milk and cookies? Teachers (yes, it’s true). Set up a milk and cookies bar during teacher appreciation week and you’ll pretty much go down in history as the most awesome PTO in the history of PTOs.
via Marci Coombs
7. Offer a themed door prize to help boost attendance. Just ask attendees to guess how many cookies are in the jar for a chance to win!
via Marci Coombs
8. Oh, and when it comes to advertising your event, don’t be shy. The school pickup line is a great place to strut your stuff (in costume, of course). Make a sign to hold, too—just keep it short and sweet (something like “Families + schools go together like milk + cookies. Join us for some fun this Friday night!”).
9. For easy table decorations, fill milk bottles with white tissue paper.
10. You can’t go wrong with a bevy of cow balloons, either.
via Walmart
11. Don’t forget a “milk and cookies” banner!
12. You’ll definitely want to get the parents in on this sweet minute to win it game—icebreaker, anyone? The first team to get a cookie from forehead to mouth wins!
via Xtreme Team Duty
13. Have kids decorate their own “milkshakes” using pom-poms and sparkly beads. So cute, right?
14. Relay races are fun, too. See how quickly the “milkmen” can deliver their milk cartons...
15. ...or how many cookies kids can balance on a spatula.
via Making Friends
16. And really, what tops a milk mustache photo booth? Take pictures of attending families and teachers with their milk mustaches. Turn it into a fundraiser by selling them for $2 each!
via Catch My Party
17. Just don’t forget your props! (Real milk mustaches work in a pinch, too).
via See Cate Create
18. Before school’s out for summer, pair “sweet” notes from teachers with a cookies and milk buffet for students...
via Catch My Party
19. ...or plan a “One Smart Cookie” celebration for the littlest “graduates” and their families.
via Catch My Party
20. Tie into existing family event themes. For instance, serve Mr. Brown’s Moo Milk (with Green Eggs and Ham cookies) at Family Reading Night...
via Debbie Swanigan on Pinterest
21. ...or Wookiee Cookies and milk—in “Han Solo” cups, of course—at Family Movie Night. Guess which movie you’re showing?
via Pragmatic Attic
22. Throw a milk and cookies bash for participants at the end of your school’s fun run. Give it a catchy name, like the “Milk Mustache Dash.”
via Hella Wella
23. Have some fun around the holidays, too! Use green food coloring to make leprechaun milk...
24. ...and edible gold spray to make pot o’ gold coin cookies.
25. Hold a “Spookie Cookies (and Milk!)” celebration on Halloween. Serve yummy mummy milk. Moo! (Er, boo).
via Oriental Trading
26. Don’t forget the scary cookies!
via Lil Luna
27. Heat up chocolate milk in an electric pot for an easy hot cocoa station over the holidays.
28. You could even invite students to decorate their own cookies for Santa.
via Oh Meaghan
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