20 Super Easy Treat Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Need some ideas for Valentine's Day gifts for students? These treats will help you keep Valentine's Day simple, but fun! And they're great for an in-school or drive-through celebration.

by PTO Today Editors


Let's be real: most of us just don’t have the time for fancy. Luckily, there are lots of fun and easy treat ideas that require minimal effort. We’re talking store-bought snacks, drinks, and fruits that can be easily transformed into Valentine’s Day gifts for students with simple decorations. Check out these time-saving ideas below that we’ve rounded up below and find a treat that will work for your school!

1. Strawberry Heart Fruit Kebabs

via Modern Parents Messy Kids

2. Love Bug Fruit Cups

via The Melrose Family

3. Love Potion #9 Water Bottles

via Tatertots & Jello

4. Pirate's Booty Snack Bags

via Lolly Jane

5. Main Squeeze Applesauce Pouches

via Funky Polkadot Giraffe

6. Sliced Apple Bags

via Crafty Morning

7. Robot Valentine's Snack

via Keep Kids Busy

8. Butterfly Goldfish Snack Bags

via The Nerds Wife

9. Applesauce Cups

via The 36th Avenue

10. Ladybug Gelatin Fruit Cup

via The Keeper of the Cheerios

11. Minion Pudding Cups

via The Tip Toe Fairy

12. String Cheese Valentines

via The Devilish Dish

13. Bunny Snack Crackers

via Craftiness is Not Optional

14. Juice Box Wrappers

via HomeRoom Mom

15. Peppermint Candy Pops

via Chickabug

16. Hershey's Kisses Mice

via Practically Functional

17. Valentine's Day Popcorn

via Gimme Some Oven

18. Despicable Me "You're One in a Minion" Twinkie

via Crafty Morning

19. Cupid's Arrows

via Lindsay Ann Bakes

20. Hershey's Kiss Cookies

via Life is Sweets

Originally posted in 2017 and updated regularly.