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6 Ideas for a Healthier School Year


Ways to encourage some healthier habits.


Walk to School

Set one day a month, weather permitting, as one where students are encouraged to walk or bike to school.

Try-It Day

To encourage healthy eating habits, hold try-it days at school where kids are offered fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods they may not have had before.

Fitness Challenge

Set up a challenge like taking a daily walk or bike ride. Ask parents to consider joining their kids, and offer small prizes to the classrooms with the most participation.

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Nutrition Night

Hold an informational night for parents on food choices. Plan games and crafts for kids that teach about healthy food choices. Round out the event with a healthy potluck.

Cooking Club

Enlist a local chef or parent to teach students basic cooking skills. Children are more likely to eat healthily if the presentation is appetizing and if they can help prepare the food.

Family Fitness Night

Set up stations at your school’s gym with a broad range of activities. Enlist your school’s PE teacher for help planning the evening.

Originally posted in 2016 and updated regularly.

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