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Back-to-School Basics: Does Your School Need Room Parents?

by Elizabeth S. Leaver


Room ParentsAs the school year starts, you might be in the position of helping recruit people for different jobs both in your parent group and elsewhere in the school. A particular area of need every year is for room parents.

Last year at this time, I talked about the experience in the article “What Does a Room Parent Do?” My purpose in writing the article was to dispel the idea, especially for parents new to the school, that being a room parent is overwhelming. Sometimes it seems like a job that’s gotten a bad rap, but having done it for six years, I can honestly say that it rarely felt like too much. It was a great way to provide necessary help to my son’s teachers while getting an up-close glimpse of his life at school.

What’s more, being a room parent is a natural fit for PTO folks, who are used to being a day-to-day part of their kids’ schools, working with administrators, and organizing both small and large-scale events and programs. But the reality is, not everyone feels cut out for the collaborative nature of PTO involvement. Being a room parent is another way for those moms and dads to be involved.

This past year as room parent marked my last—my younger child is entering middle school—and I know I’m going to miss the connection to his new teachers. As I’m looking for new ways to get involved, let the parents at your school know what a valuable and worthwhile experience they’ll have as room parent. In addition to my article, point them to our Room Parents File Exchange, which offers resources like a downloadable room parent handbook, room parent intro letter and info request, and classroom party sign-up sheets.

Good luck!

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