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My Tip of the Week: A Time To Show Thanks

by Tim Sullivan


It's hard to believe that the Thanksgiving holiday is here. For many of us, that means spending time with family, relaxing, and perhaps even scoring a few holiday bargains.

For schools and parent groups, it's also become a popular time to encourage students to give back to their communities. A community service project doesn't have to be daunting or huge in scope; every little bit really does count, and there are lots of efforts that are easy to organize. Such ideas include organizing a food drive, starting a shoe or clothing collection, cleaning up outside, and supporting an animal shelter.

Our new Community Service topic page provides lots of ideas for organizing meaningful community service projects -- any time of year. We also have a Student Community Service Projects slideshow with great ideas that show kids embracing the spirit of volunteerism in some truly heartwarming ways.

Our best wishes for a peaceful and fulfilling Thanksgiving holiday.

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