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My Tip of the Week: The Really Great, Amazing Things

We’re a few months into the school year, and I bet you've experienced at least one real downer of a PTO or PTA day. Those are tough.The key is to remember the great stuff.

by Tim Sullivan


We’re a few months into the school year, and I bet you've experienced at least one real downer of a PTO or PTA day. Those are tough.

The key is to remember the great stuff, like the teacher you served on just the right day in just the right way. Or the thank-you note you received with a powerful message. Or maybe the look on the face of the little one who received a fresh backpack of supplies thanks to your group's work.

We started this thread on our Facebook page: My Amazing Things. Check it out!

And take a second to write down a memory or two that keeps you going on the tough days. What you're doing means so much to so many. Keep it up!

P.S. Quick shout for our 2014 PTO Expos. We're coming live to 11 cities this spring. If you're relatively local, then you'll definitely want to bring your whole crew. Our new video shows why.

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