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Your PTO and Global Youth Service Day

Have you ever looked into how your PTO or PTA can get the kids more active in service? Global Youth Service Day in 3 weeks might be a great way to start.

by Tim Sullivan


Have you ever looked into how your PTO or PTA can get the kids more active in service? Global Youth Service Day in 3 weeks might be a great way to start.

I really like the folks at Youth Service America who put on GYSD. They’ve got a ton of resources for getting kids into service, including grants for creative programs. They’re also supporters of the new Schools Serve – National School Food Drive program, which is kicking off next fall. Making your food drive into a larger chance for kids service is a great tie-in with Youth Service America.

I was (very pleasantly) shocked recently to learn that nearly 80% of PTOs and PTAs already do some sort of service project each year, often a food collection program. I knew the number high but didn’t realize it was that high. The next step I think is expanding those efforts to make the food drive even more effective and into a larger platform for getting the kids understanding and valuing service. YSA and Schools Serve can be great resources for that.

Would love to hear about your efforts on that front.

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