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School Staff Slide Show

School Faculty Slide Show


“At our first high school PTO meeting, the topic was ‘meet the administrators.’ Traditionally, that meant having the principal and assistant principals come introduce themselves. Taking a broader view, I photographed 20 staff members who parents are likely to interface with (including the security guard, parking lot attendant, attendance secretary, principal’s secretary, counselors, athletic trainer, etc.) and put them into a PowerPoint. We showed it (using some of the technology tools our community has funded) after the live introductions. It was very well-received, and I really felt good getting to know those important people and sharing that with the audience. Next month, I’ll add the custodians so our attendees get to ‘meet’ the folks who are cleaning up after their kids!”

Christy Forhan, West Bloomfield (Mich.) High School PTO

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