Another Tip: Speaking to you as a Parent

I figured I'd take this opportunity in early July to speak to you as a parent, as opposed to as a PTO or PTA leader. Funny, isn't it, how sometimes (often) our work being good PTO leaders makes it even harder to find the time to be good school parents?

by Tim Sullivan


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igured I'd take this opportunity in early July to speak to you as a parent, as opposed to as a PTO or PTA leader. Funny, isn't it, how sometimes (often) our work being good PTO leaders makes it even harder to find the time to be good school parents?

Tackling that particular parenting challenge is the whole point of our sister site over at I hope you'll take some time to check it out. I find helpful new stuff on there nearly every day.

Perhaps most interestingly, we've just added a brand-new "community" section on It's a great place to connect with other parents and find solutions to the kind of school challenges (and joys!) you may be having with your family. I really like the interactive Q&A section, too.

As an added bonus, if you're a PTO Today fan, the new community functions provide a nice sneak preview of what's coming soon for Expect even more cool functionality in the version.