A Really Nice PTO Today Thank-You

by Tim Sullivan


I do


on’t normally do this, but I just have to share this email we received here at PTO Today this morning. Couldn’t have been nicer and made this dreary, rainy Tuesday morning so much sunnier. James Adams, a PTO president from Topeka, Kansas, shared:
“Just wanted to send a thank you note for your wonderful publication and companion Web site.  I have relied heavily on the wealth of information that you have on your Web site over the last 2 years and anxiously awaited each and every magazine that was published for more great articles and ideas that always seemed to "speak to me."

"I have 2 girls, a 2nd grader and  pre-k’er and I was what I commonly refer to as a 'sideline dad.'  I was involved as I had to be but nothing more.  I always wanted to do more with the school but was never really sure I would be any good at it and was deathly afraid of the responsibility. My wife was super involved and helped out the teachers as they needed and it was her efforts with the school that made me want to contribute as well.  Two years ago, I was called by a parent in charge of our nominating committee and asked if I would be interested in being a PTO officer. I said I'd think about it and after a phone call to the existing President to ask 'just how bad is it?' and some conversations with my wife, I finally said, 'why not!' I learned early on with my children that I don't necessarily have to be the best Dad but I do have to show up.  I carried that over into my Presidency of the PTO - I found that the easiest part of the job was to simply care. I genuinely cared about the success of our children, teachers and school and was always present at activities and meetings and tried to make the group something I could be proud of and ultimately something that my daughter's could be proud of as well. My oldest always joked that she thought I was 'boss of the school.'  I corrected her but I enjoyed hearing that!

"Long story short, I couldn't have done any of this without you and your publications. I've followed you on Twitter, Facebook, read each magazine cover-to-cover, downloaded countless docs on the file exchange and recommended your information to our PTO board numerous times.

"Your advice and articles turned a scary endeavor into a thoroughly rewarding and enjoyable one. I became so involved in our PTO efforts at my daughter's school that I decided in December 2010 to take my efforts to the next level and run for the School Board. I'm proud and excited to say that I won my election in early April and will begin my four year term in July of this year.

"Can't thank you enough and please pass along my thanks to your wonderful team for all that they do!"

Basically, he captured everything we’ve ever tried to do.  So great.  This whole volunteering thing can be both scary and difficult at times.  If we can make it a bit easier, a bit les scary and maybe even sometimes fun – that’s what we’re all about.  Thanks to James for sharing his experience (and good luck in the new gig!).  And thanks to all of you for the work you do everyday to make our schools so special.