A Present for PTO and PTA Leaders

by Tim Sullivan



No practical tip this Christmas week, but rather an invitation. At this time of year, I hope you especially remember the great stuff about volunteering at school.

I bet you have a best memory or a favorite reason for volunteering. The good moments are so, so great. Check out the favorite volunteering memories of other leaders. And I hope you'll add your own to the growing list.

Mine? Every year, I help organize our school's basketball tournament, and there's always a game when the whole gym is perfect: crowded stands, positive parents, tons of enthusiasm, close game, kids having so much fun. Those are the days that bring me back the next year. I can't wait to read about yours.

P.S. Our 2015 Expos are coming to 12 cities this spring, and we have a video and more showing you what they are all about.