A Goal for the New School Year: Ban the Mom Guilt!

by PTO Today Editors


I’m sure a good number of you have seen the movie Bad Moms. If you haven’t, it’s a (currently very popular) spoof on how one mom and her friends rebel against their fearsome PTA leader. The comedy pokes fun at bake sales, officer elections, and other activities associated with school parent groups. All humorous exaggeration aside, one aspect of the movie does seem to touch on a tough spot for many moms: There just isn’t enough time in a day to meet the overwhelming expectations of modern parenthood.

As you start a new school year, try to bear that very real consideration in mind. Many parents want to be more involved but fear that putting their name in the mix will open them up to a never-ending slew of commitments that they just can’t fulfill. Which can make them feel bad. Which can make them disengage completely. Which you definitely don’t want to happen.

So let potential volunteers know from the start that any amount of help is welcome and appreciated—and mean it. Let folks know that your group thrives because of volunteers who can only give here and there, and offer a variety of easy ways for people to pitch in: a one-and-done event cleanup, editing a newsletter from home, and the like. 

If you want a great year with plenty of help, it’s important to set let volunteers know from the start that you won’t overwhelm them. Here are some other resources that can help:

2 Hour Power

The One-Hour Pledge

Easy Jobs for Volunteers