6 Spring Family Event Ideas

by PTO Today Editors


Spice Up a Cool Night: Hold a chili cook-off and invite families to share their favorite recipes. Make it an annual event by choosing a winner who has to come back next year to defend the title!

Celebrate Breakfast Week: In March, organize a pancake breakfast one morning before school starts for the day. Ask the school nurse to say a few words about the importance of a healthy breakfast (for adults and students).

Play Some Board Games: Ask families to bring in their favorite games to share, and discover a new favorite with friends. Spend an evening of laughter and school community-building.

Let's Go Fly a Kite: In April, celebrate Kite Month and Earth Day, too! Ask families to bring in recycled materials to create a kite. Hold a kite launch from the school playground. Consider inviting the entire community to participate.

Think You Can Dance: Have a mother-son dance and father-daughter sock hop. Offer simple food and refreshments, and advertise the evening as a "dinner date" for parents and kids.

Plan a June Jubilee: End the year on a positive note with a schoolwide carnival. Play games, win at musical cakes, and don't forget to check out the inflatable slide. Do some arts and crafts while a DJ spins a few tunes.