26 Ways for Your PTO To Rock a Star Wars Family Night 

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...your PTO decided to plan a Star Wars-theme family night.

by Kerri Beauchesne


Well, it’s a good thing May the 4th (Star Wars Day) is less than a few light years away because that date is a pretty big deal to Star Wars fans big and small (and many at your school there are, as Yoda would say). Below, we’ve rounded up 26 fun ideas for a fun Star Wars-theme family event at school.

1. Got a few closet Star Wars nerds on your board? Here’s a tip: They should probably be in charge.

via Giphy

2. Grab a few shirts for your volunteers to wear at your event. We’re pretty sure these’ll do.

3. There’s nothing like a good Yoda meme to get kids talking about your event.

4. Be sure to get your event on parents’ radar, too.

The force is strong over on Facebook, so you’ll definitely want to use Facebook graphics to help get the word out about your event. If you're planning a movie night, our Family Movie Night Facebook graphics are free and ready to use along with the other planning materials (including information about obtaining a movie license, which you'll need even if you don't charge admission) in our free Family Movie Night kit.

5. Make a Star Wars-theme gift basket to raffle off as a door prize.

6. Give a trash receptacle an intergalactic makeover and use it to collect tickets—or box tops!

7. Speaking of tickets, how awesome are these?

8. Serve prepackaged, allergy-friendly snacks, like crispy rice treats. Plus, they’re Chewie (er, chewy).

9. Make lightsabers out of duct tape and pool noodles from your local dollar store.

10. Or, you could just eat your lightsabers. Whatever floats your boat—or starship.

11. Raise some funds on-site with these fun lightsaber pencils.

12. Drawing on a balloon isn’t easy, but if you know a parent volunteer with the time and talent (and patience!), this is a super fun decoration.

13. Decisions, decisions…will it be "Wookiee Water" or "Jedi Juice"? Watch as they battle it out.

14. Luke Sky-water is a pretty good choice, too.

15. These—because really, this is probably your one and only chance to get your principal (or PTO president) to wear a Darth Vader or Chewbacca mask.

16. A quick game of Star Wars bingo is a fun event add-on.

17. It’s always best to have a few quick games at the ready.

18. Throw in an egg relay race...

19. ...or a quick game of Pin the Lightsaber on Yoda.

20. Keep the little kids busy by making Chewbacca puppets out of brown lunch bags.

21. Serve up popcorn, Star Wars-style.

22. Put a fun twist on your concession stand with Hutt Dogs.

23. Decorations don’t have to be fancy. A few strands of star garland will do the trick!

via Etsy

24. Kick things off with a bit of trivia.

25. Set up a fun photo booth for families. Smile! (Or don’t.)

26. Families will have a blast at your event—we promise! And when all’s said and done, give your PTO a well-deserved pat on the back. You all rock!

via imgflip (created by PTO Today)

Originally posted in 2016 and updated regularly. Family Movie Night® is a trademark of School Family Media®.