Question: Parent Involvement at Meetings

Hello. It seems like our PTO is struggling with parent attendance at our monthly meetings. How can we add more attendees to these meetings? Are there any tricks? Our meeting schedule is on Facebook, our Website, Handouts, etc. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Christine

Asked by Anonymous



Advice from PTO Today

Rose H writes:
Hi there!
Many groups struggle with meeting attendance. There are lots of things you can try to get more parents interested.

Here are a few suggestions:
Change up the meeting times
Change the venue -- try a meeting at a local pub or restaurant
Schedule student presentations (student members of chorus can sing, selected students can present book reports or other presentations that they have recently done for their class)
Publish an agenda with a promise that the meeting with run less than one hour
Keep your meetings fun (word will get out that meetings aren't horrible!)
Offer snacks

Want to add a few other thoughts: We like to tell groups not to judge the success of their group based on meeting attendance. If you have some active volunteers who aren't able to make it to meetings, you are still doing great.

Another option to consider is Facebook LIVE. More and more groups are experimenting with it and finding initial success. You can broadcast your meeting live and parents who aren't able to attend can watch it on Facebook at home. It is a great way to reach parents!

Hope this helps,

Community Advice

Naten writes:
Another option to consider is Facebook LIVE

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