A Super Start to the Year


Parents may not want more to do, but they do want to support their schools.

by Emily Graham


Superheroes have long been popular, but recently, they’ve really stepped into the spotlight. At PTO Today, we saw countless photos of superhero-theme school events in spring, and this summer, my child attended a superhero-theme camp. Then there are the movies, where Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, and even Captain Underpants have kept us glued to our seats over the school break.

The popularity of superheroes makes perfect sense to me. With our numerous lists, personal and professional goals, neverending heaps of laundry, and long-delayed projects, it often feels like we need superpowers to get everything done. It’s no wonder, then, that parent group leaders sometimes meet resistance when trying to recruit volunteers or get more people to meetings. When parents are focused on the impossible list of tasks they have to get through, they might not want to add another thing to the list.

What if we framed getting involved at school not as another item on parents’ to do lists but as a way to help them achieve important goals? What parent doesn’t want to support her child in school and help make that school a better place to learn? By communicating the benefits of involvement, you’re more likely to have parents step up than if you make your message about all the tasks you need help with.

As you’re preparing for the new school year, we don’t need you to put on a cape—you’re already superheroes in our eyes.

Here are some resources to help ensure you have a super start:

How To Prioritize PTO and PTA Involvement
18 Ideas for Better PTO and PTA Meetings
PTO Leaders: How To Use Facebook Live